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Why yes Luke, I will shake it for you.

Lets just start off this post with my hair washing confession. I can go three days before washing my hair. You really aren't supposed to wash your hair everyday, it is not good for it, it drys it out. And I take those words of wisdom for all its worth. Oh, I don't have to wash my hair everyday? Done. I will wash it in three days. Don't worry I do shower everyday. 

I've been babysitting for some new neighbors lately. It has been fun, the kids are adorable and really well behaved. PS there is a baby involved that needs me to hold her cuteness the whole time ;) The older girls like to go through my purse once I get there. They look at all my lipsticks and snacks I keep. This time they found my selfie stick and were confused as to what it was. I showed them how it worked and we took a cute photo. The selfie stick then became a popular item to throw around and play with. On my way to work the following day, I pulled my lipstick out to find it smashed. Oh well, #babysitterslife 

We all know I am the trophy receptionist at work. Well, my boss is really pushing me to be a tech. I have been training and learning new things about eyes. I have been practicing on my coworkers, and it has been scary! Touching someones eyeball with a bulky machine is tough stuff. I may or may not have given someone a corneal abrasion. Hey, I am learning still. I started from the bottom as receptionist and now I'm at the top at the trophy. 
I really have no idea what I am doing

 Corneal abrasions 
Amy needed me to tease her hair at work, and I am always prepared with the correct tools.

We all know I have a cookie obsession. My most accomplishing thing is to convince people to bake and deliver me cookies by being "sick" I really like to bake, and I really make a damn good fluffy cookie. But why make your own cookies when someone else can? I spent one night baking my little heart out and delivered it to my favorite Johanson family, the ones who make the best cookies I have put in my mouth yet. 

I went to my first indoor match of the season. There were a ton of shooters there that evening, and a lot of us ladies! I tried shooting in a different division, and I still have to try at it to see how I like it. But time on the range is always time well spent. I forgot where I placed right now, but it wasn't last, and that is always my goal.

Lets get to the good stuff. Chris, my sister and I went to a Luke Bryan concert this weekend! For baby sitting my nephew all summer, my sister and brother in law bought me a ticket. My sister and I have been to a Luke Bryan concert before. He is amazing! Seriously. The way he moves on stage and his oh so lovely voice. mmmmm mmmm. The concert was great, it was fun getting out, dancing the night away \, shaking my booty and getting my country on. If you don't listen to country you won't get my blog title. Luke's most popular song is "Country girl shake it for me" And every girl gets a little too skanky and crazy during that song.

Sunday we went to LDS conference that  the church holds twice a year. We wanted to go to the Sunday afternoon session, and as a Mormon we believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy and not shopping on Sunday's. So Saturday we went to the grocery store and bought sandwiches to eat on Sunday. We got there at 11 to wait in line to try to get tickets for the 2:00pm session. We didn't eat our sandwiches because we were not hungry, so I just kept them in my purse to save for later since our car was a mile away. We got tickets and went through security. My purse was checked, and the lady found my sandwiches and told me I could not take them in and I had to throw them away. I walked to the trash can, and I didn't throw them away, I put them back in my purse. Yes, I admit this was wrong but there was no way I was going to waste food, especially since it was Sunday and that was our only form of food for the day! As we were walking away a security guard started running towards me yelling "Ma'am, MA'AM! We are not playing games here!" I turned around and was in complete shock. This dude legit just chased me down FOR A SANDWICH! He told me he was going to have to kick me out if I didn't throw away our sandwiches. He yelled at me in front of everyone over a damn sandwich, he acted like I brought my gun into the place. I was pretty pissed the rest of the day, We were trying to keep the Sabbath day holy by buying our food the day before, and I had no intention of eating my sandwich  in the middle of the conference center, they were just in my purse! My husband doesn't have a job! I cant afford to be throwing away my lunch! I was so mad that when we left I made Chris stop at In n Out and buy lunch. Take that, now I had to sin on Sunday! I really do know that it was wrong and I should have followed the rules and thrown away our sandwiches, but he also didn't have to treat me like that either in front of everyone. I brought in a sandwich, not a knife. Calm down. 

And lets end with the animals. And a funny picture of my baby newphew


  1. I love your blog. Your honesty is awesome! Keep sharing!

  2. Wish I had been there. I would have either helped you smuggle your sandwich or purchased your meal so that you wouldn't have needed to sin...


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