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Idaho USPSA Championship

Since we had Labor Day this week, and I had Amy work for me Friday so I could shoot, I only had to work ONE day this week. That my friends, is what being a trophy receptionist is all about, not working. Monday we went to the fair and indulged in greasy, fried, fair food. My taste buds were in Heaven, my gut, not so much. Good thing I worked out this week.

That beard though, am I right?

Tuesday I went in for my second Electrolysis. Again, it was a morning of pain and suffering. But my dear friend Cherie is so nice to me about it. Once this is all done I will NEVER have to tweeze my brows again. The pain is worth it.  Next, I think I want my brows tattooed so I wont have to draw them in anymore. I have a thing for perfect eyebrows. Everyone needs them, a great brow makes a good face. 
You all love seeing me without make up on, right?

I worked my one day, and the rest of the time I went to the range to help set up for the USPSA Idaho State Championship. It was fun to help out and its amazing to see all the work that goes into putting on a big match, The people in charge did a fantastic job and it makes you appreciate all the time and effort goes into putting on a match that we get to shoot in and have fun. 

One day I got to sit in a hut and put together probably over 200 targets that had to be "perfect"

Since I have been sucking a shooting lately I had my friend Jesse help me out a little bit on Thursday night before the big match. Everything is really all in my head and I can't get it out. One of the other guys I shoot with pulled me aside on Friday and told me why I "cant" shoot steel, because its all in my head. Yes, I know its all in my head but I am not sure how to fix that. 630am on Friday came for the Staff to shoot in the Idaho USPSA match. It was so cold and dark still. My first stage was my best stage. Then as I kept shooting I did worse and worse, my scored showed it too. My whole goal for the day was to make it through the match and not cry. That didn't happen. I had a little melt down because there was a range equipment failure so on one of the stages I HAD to re-shoot it. There was no option, I had to re do it. I got upset because I blew through 300 rounds of ammo by then (because I kept missing the steel) And already had to borrow ammo from a friend. I told the guy that I didn't want to re-shoot it because I was running out of ammo then everyone piped up and said they were more than happy to give me ammo, and for some reason that made me pretty emotional, so I walked away and sat in the porta-potty for 15 minuets to cry it out. Another guy from the range found me and said he knows money is tight right now and he would give me ammo. That made it worse and I cried even more. I don't know why I got so upset and emotional, I think I was tired, and my new meds, and it was hot, and I was probably hungry and had been shooting for 8 hours already, and Chris not having a job has been rough on both of us. I didn't want people to feel bad for me because I am poor and can't afford ammo but, I really  appreciated all the kindness my friends offered me, and how I was taken care of, and I appreciate the ones who cared when I was embarrassingly crying. 

Saturday was the actual match day for the rest of the competitors. I got to work as staff that day and help score one of the stages. Again, 630 came way too early, and I woke up with big puffy eyes, red burnt lips, and my whole body hurt. Luckily I have a heavy duty concealer that hides the day before from my face. Its like I was almost a real person once I put my makeup on and drank my caffeine. Saturday was such a neat experience. There were amazing shooters from all over competing, and it was good to watch them and see how good they are. It made me realize that I have a LONG way to go still. This is something I want to do for the rest of my life. I have such a desire and a passion for competitive shooting, and all I want to do it get better. I met new friends, and spent time with  great people and had a good time. I am really appreciative of all the guys I shoot with and all their support for us ladies, and I am greatful for all the ladies and their encouragement. Chris competed that day too so I was able to sneak in some pictures of him. When we got home I literally passed out and didn't wake up until 9:30 today. 
This is what 5am looks like as I am guzzling my Crystal Light with caffeine

And THIS is what 6am looks like ;) 

Church starts at 9am but I decided to sleep in and go to a different church that started at 11am. Again, I woke up with big puffy eyes, and red sun burnt lips and I honestly looked like a hott mess. I took a before and after picture but there is no way I'll post it, I really don't want to scare you all into see how ugly I looked this morning. I was feeling mighty fine after sleeping for so long and doing my hair and make up though.

After church we celebrated my mom's and brother in law's birthdays from earlier this week. My sister made the best cake that I have zero regrets from eating, and I got to have sweet baby snuggles from my favorite youngest nephew. This was the last week of my summer, next week I have to go back to being a student, I will trade my bathing suit for a pair of sweatpants, as I am confined to the laptop all day everyday. 


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