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A Lonely Week at Work

Well, this week was rather uneventful. I worked my butt at the gym, and I lost one pound! Yippie! I've started to cut my anti-depressants in half, and started taking my replacement. Lets just say, I was rather edgy in the beginning of the week. I keep waking up at 4am to pee, then I can't go back to sleep! Good thing my friend Ginger also has a sleeping problem and is awake at this time to play Trivia Crack with me. Anyone else up at 4? Lets have a party! I think by the end of the week my mood was better. Again my friends, I apologize for my actions. With this new medicine I am on I think it makes me go a little nut-so when I drink caffeine. It makes me anxious and shaky. I tried one day to kick the caffeine, and I lasted until lpm in the afternoon. I just happened to be at Walmart and there just happened to be ice cold Diet Coke on tap. Don't judge me. I'll start cutting my pills in 1/4th next week, and again, I apologize :)
This is my, "I literally rolled out of bed, put a bra on to go to the gym" look. But I am going to consider this my "before" picture to see what it looks like once I'm done with the anti-depressants

This is 8am, two hours into my non-caffeine day
This is 1pm where I couldn't take it any longer. 

Work was crazy this week! Amy was out of town for the week, then Ginger was gone the end of the week. The first day was hard without Amy. So Ging and I sent her funny snap chats to show her our love for her. I had to work on Thursday, my usual day off, because they were both gone. I missed them  terribly! So I sent them snap chats to show them how much I missed them. 
This is me trying to be sexy. Who am I kidding? 

Lets talk about the fact that I try my damn hardest to eat healthy. I stuff myself with fruits and veggies, and protein shakes
This is literally what I pack in my lunch box

Then, someone has to bring THIS to the office. And we all know I have ZERO self control. 

Then Chris made my day with a diet dew and cookie, that I badly needed at work. 

It was about 95 one day here, so my sister and I decided we better go to the pool in case it would be our last nice day. It was perfect, since school started, there was pretty much no one at the pool, so we got to enjoy our quite day at the pool :) here's to saying goodbye to my tan.

Chris and I went to our usual Wednesday night match, and I have to say I did terrible! I really have been stressing out a lot lately and its messing with my mind while I am shooting. I keep thinking to myself, why do I keep doing this? Then I remember why I keep doing it. Because I love it, because it makes me feel good, because I was scared before and I have over come my fears. There is a big Idaho State Match this week that I am absolutly terrified of! I feel like such a dumb little girl sometimes, that everyone is going to make fun of. I really am petrified. I have been dry fire practicing at home, and using a stress ball to fix my poor grip. Wish me luck, all I hope for, is to not place last, and to not cry while I'm there. 

Friday I convinced my boss since it was labor day weekend that we should close the office early. he let me go home an hour early! Who can resist when I bat my eyelashes and flash a smile! When I got home, Chris and I went to Rexburg to our favorite burger place, The Burg. Then we went to the theater to watch Ben-Hur. I hated it. I hate violence and I hate seeing people get hurt. I pretty much had my eyes closed during the entire movie.

I get to host Bunco this month and I am SOOOO excited! My theme is "White Trash Bash" I couldn't be more excited :)  So did a little shopping this weekend and grabbed a cart full of ding-dongs and twinkies (That's trashy right?) I got myself a hooters shirt from a friend (because why not?), and I bought some emoji pillows for some prizes. I can't wait to finish putting together my  trashy outfit and making the food. It will be fun, and I love a trashy good time!

Remember my blog post about Ultimate Holsters, who sent me a free holster? Well the owner Brandon, said he was going to send me a surprise for being so nice to them and saying good things about their holster. I got it in the mail yesterday and it was another holster! This one is made to be worn belt less like with yoga pants or a skirt. Which is perfect for me because if I could live in yoga pants I would. This company has been so nice and kind to me, and they do incredible work. These are really mighty fine holsters, I recommend them to all my shooting friends! Ultimate Holsters

I had a dilemma at church today. My nice fancy black flip flops broke! So I had to pull out a pair of black heals, and I totally can't walk in heals. It was rough, but good thing the church was carpeted! Today I was also released from my calling in Young Women's! I have been serving and teaching the teenage girls for 8 years now. I have enjoyed my time with the girls and I have enjoyed the relationships I have with them. I love that they make me feel young. They have taught me how to be a better teacher, a better example, and a better person. I was 21 years old when I was called as president, and it made me grow in maturity and spiritually. I now have more free time, with my Tuesdays open and I don't have to prepare lessons anymore. I will enjoy the free time, but will miss the youth. 

Cuddle Sunday with all the pets


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