Heyyyy. SO, this week was intense. Well, not really. But I like to pretend my life in fascinating. Bunco was this week so Amy and I went on our lunch break to a couple thrift stores to shop for our outfits. Did I tell you I was hosting and my theme was "white trash bash" Yup. So I got some sparkly hooker heals, and Amy got a sexy house coat and slippers. I was going for the "are you my baby daddy?" look and she was going for the "I'm going to Walmart" look. This week I also printed out a picture of Slash, taped it on my bosses tire and told him that some one slashed his tire. He was really concerned and worried and went running outside. I really do think I'm hilarious. Good thing my boss is chill and pretty much said "game on" I wonder what he is going to do to me now?
This week was the start of the fall semester! Yay! I am excited to be back into a routine. I didn't mind going to the pool everyday and doing what ever I wanted, but I need some structure in my life. This is my "I'm a really old sophomore who is pretending to be young again" Look. When I graduated high school I was too immersed into what drugs I was going to do next or when the next party was, to be too concerned with going to College. It took me YEARS to decide I want to go to school. So here I am killing it as a 27 year old sophomore. Good thing I am an online student, I think the real-age sophomores would drive me nuts.
One evening Chris and I stopped at Ginger's house because she got a new puppy that I wanted to meet. We also ended up leaving with a salt lamp. Did you know that a salt lamp is legitimately SALT? Like really, its salt, that's supposed to purify the air. I hoping it will purify my lady parts and get me pregnant. Too much? Then stop reading ;)
We are going to talk about my body for a second. So, I was at the gym the other night and I was touching my legs and I was like "damn, those are some nice muscles" But where the hell is my butt? Seriously. I do weighted squats but I still have the flattest butt in the world. It would be nice if I could move some of my stomach to my butt, then I think I would have the perfect body. My pants fall down ALL THE TIME and I wish I looked better in jeans. I've got some good leg muscles going on though.
where is my booty?
And at least I don't have a problem in this department.
Now lets get to the good part. If you know me, I like to have a good time. Life is a party. And I am somewhat mostly always inappropriate with my friends and I am sure I offend people. So why Would't I want to throw a white trash bash? I cleaned my house like crazy, it was so beautiful!
I got a hooters shirt from a friend, and I had everything else on hand, besides my hooker heals. I had SO much fun with it. That night it was totally ok for me to wear a hooters shirt and leopard print leggings. I felt super trashy and kinda sexy. I teased my hair real big, did a dark smokey eye and put on some trashy red lipstick. Everyone else had fun with the theme and there were some good costumes! If I had to give out prizes I would give Amy a prize for the best costume. She was legit trashy. We even did some mugshots that were pretty funny. We didn't do an after party because no one wanted to go out dressed like they were. I was totally down with going out in my hooters shirt. boo. We did stop by our friend Lisa's work to try to visit her and bring her a soda, but we could'nt get a hold of her so we left the soda by her car. Jenni came to bunco! She moved to Boise, but happened to be in town for bunco weekend! It was SOO good to see her, its like she never left. Lisa and I are planning a trip to the "big city" to go visit her sometime soon.
Since Friday night I had to redeem myself and go to church and pretend to be classy again. The problem was, I totally forgot to shave! I only shave on Sunday's (gross I know, but who am I trying to impress?) And I forgot! So I went to church with week old unshaved legs. No regrets. Judge me.
This evening was family dinner at my parent's house. My mom made ravioli with homemade sauce, and stuffed peppers. delish. I also got in some baby time, which means my goal for the week is accomplished.
And we will end the week with some misc. pictures
He is so hott isn't he? And that eyebrow arch! They are fabulous today!
A perfect Saturday morning
Just took care of a pregnant lady addicted to several drugs. Glad you got out of that scene and became a cookie slut instead...