I'm pretty sure I have used this post title before. Is that weird? Hey, I'm not a afraid to say I like to gamble. Well, Friday night was Bunco night! Our usual dice rolling game, with your typical after party of your local bar or a road trip to the nearest casino. This Bunco was very sad. It was Jenni and Lisa's last time. Jenni moved to Boise and Lisa has a new work schedule! I loved those two. We were the three musketeers. Do you ever feel like people don't get you? And this ladies just got me. We would talk about all our life struggles, and have a good time together. I'm not afraid to talk about my problems with them, we all listen well to each other and give good advice and feedback. I feel like maybe sometimes I can be too obnoxious for a 27 years old, I like to twerk, swear, dance, shake my booty, talk rather inappropriate. I am sure I have offended a ton of people in my day, especially at church, But I really mean no harm, I am just being myself. If I have ever offended you I am truly sorry, my mouth runs and my brain catches up a mile later. I am worried since my ladies are leaving bunco that Ill offend someone new with my trashy mouth. But I do have Gingey-poo and Amy, and they are pretty trashy and get me (Sorry ladies, you know its true, just kidding ;) Amy wasn't at Bunco, and Amy and I usually take funny pictures and send them to Ginger. Ginger and I had our fun with pictures to send to Amy. I almost peed my pants from Laughing. Look how cute we are.
After Bunco Lisa, Jenni and I road tripped to Fort Hall Casino. Within 10 minuets I lost all my money, then Jenni, then Lisa. The best part about the casino is the free soda fountain. I think if it wasn't so far away I would walk my butt into the casino every day for a free diet coke.
It always unfortunately works out that I have a match the day after Bunco. I stay out way too late from Bunco and have to wake up way too early to shoot. The match was fun, I THOUGHT I shot well, but my score was TERRIBLE! I don't even want to talk about it. I don't know whats been wrong lately. All I know is that I am spending a lot of money to suck. I think I need to look into a hand transplant, to fix my trigger finger. That will be my next big expense. After Chris gets a job. Have I told you its been 8 weeks since Chris has been out of work? Life has been grand.
It always unfortunately works out that I have a match the day after Bunco. I stay out way too late from Bunco and have to wake up way too early to shoot. The match was fun, I THOUGHT I shot well, but my score was TERRIBLE! I don't even want to talk about it. I don't know whats been wrong lately. All I know is that I am spending a lot of money to suck. I think I need to look into a hand transplant, to fix my trigger finger. That will be my next big expense. After Chris gets a job. Have I told you its been 8 weeks since Chris has been out of work? Life has been grand.
After the match I decided it was probably time to wash my hair since it had been 3 days. Who believes in washing their hair? Not me. Washing hair and wearing pants, the two worst things in life. Don't be grossed out, I do take showers, I just don't wash my hair. First, I colored my hair to cover my grays, I did my usual dark like I usually do for fall/winter. First lets look at the hot sweaty mess I was after my match, with no eye brows, dirty hair, and a little bit of make up. Good thing my glasses are a big as my face to cover that mess up.
After I turned into Cinderella, I took Chris' cousin to the river to walk around and help him find pokemon, This is how I feel about pokemon:
I took the pups with me on our walk and as usual they had a grand time
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