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A Week of Free Stuff

Do you ever see childhood pictures of yourself and think aw, I was so little, or aw, I was so cute. Well, my twin cousin Josh in Rhode Island sent me pictures he found from when we were kids.


  Josh and I. Men usually have that look around me hahaha

Here is this lovely Halloween picture of my sister Erin and I. WTF mom? Was I a stripper for Halloween? I know I was a "flapper girl" But that is with that pose? If you have ever seen me breakout in dance, this picture is understandable. Especially if you work in my office and you happen to walk behind me and I start twerking. We all have our special talents....

On to the free stuff. I entered a contest on Instagram to win a free lipstick from the company Beauty Ignited . I have been eyeing their lipsticks for a while now. It is a pink tube that resembles a 12 gauge shotgun shell. Guns AND makeup? That's a winner.  I entered this contest, and they picked me! I choose the color "bareback" a natural nude color, and they wanted me to take a picture of it on my lips once I got it to feature on their page. I love it, its a great color and has a little sparkle, I am all about sparkle

A couple weeks ago I was approached by a holster company called Ultimate Holsters about a new line of holsters for women that he was trying out. He wanted to send me one for my honest opinion. I picked my color (pink) and gave him my concealed carry gun, and he made a special custom one for me. I got it in the mail this week and I loved it! It was really comfy, it didn't weigh my pants down, and it wasn't too big or bulky. 

Black is so slimming, isn't it?

39 years ago Elvis Presley died on August 16th. Ever since I was a child I loved Elvis, because my dad loved Elvis. As I grew to be an adult my love for Elvis has gotten deeper. I love his music and his cheesy movies. Chris and I have been to Memphis, the home of Elvis a couple times, and there is Elvis stuff everywhere. We even went to Graceland one time. Mama Jo on the other hand, has a strong dislike for the king. Why you ask? Because she has no taste or self respect. Well for the anniversary of Elvis' death I took it upon myself to throw on my aviators, blast Elvis, and serenade her with my singing and hip thrusting of Elvis. She was not happy. She said we can't be friends anymore. But I thought I was hilarious. 

I worked as a nanny this week like usual, I took my nephew to Rexburg, on my campus to the bookstore. I bought some sweet BYU-I gear that was on sale. Oh? My husband doesn't have a job? That's ok, I have a credit card. We had a booth  for Women of Caliber at a kids fair in a park in Rexburg that I took my nephew to. 

On campus at big kid school 

WOC booth 

I had two matches this week. One was Wednesday night that I enjoy going to with Chris, and some other guys. And Thursday night was Ladies league. How did I score? Again, I don't want to talk about it. I really have NO IDEA what has happened to me I used to be alot better a few months ago before some personal things happened. I have to keep telling myself I only picked up a 9mm  and worked on my PTSD a year ago. But I see all these really good shooters and I want to be like them. And, I have been so busy I haven't been practicing or going to my training's, I have been just showing up for matches. Not a good idea. 

After the match, Chris's friends and I had a contest to see who could shoot all the metal plates down with our strong and weak hand. I won the cuteness contest. This is my pissed face at Chris. 

I am now going to address the fact that I am pretty sure I have my boss man wrapped around my finger. Who can resist my eyelash batting and smile? I bought my boss his favorite soda, took a handful of candy from the candy drawer, and made him a card that said his hair always looks great, hes the best boss I ever had, and some other flattering words. What I really wanted was to close the office at noon on Friday. Did it work? YES! Dang, I'm good. I wonder what other things I can get away with. Lets just hope he never gets a hold of my blog and finds out I'm not really the sweet little girl he has employed. 

My friend Cherie, who is also a WOC member, who is one of my officers, owns an electrolysis company. Electrolysis is the removal of hair permanently with a probe. I decided to give it a shot on my eyebrows. I can only imagine living in a world where I NEVER have to pluck, tweeze, or wax my eyebrows ever again. I was such a baby. I screamed, swore, and yelled at Cherie a few times. It hurt. And I have to go in quite a few more times to permanently kill the hair. Beauty is pain my friends. Oh my husband still doesn't have a job? That's ok, I have been saving for this painful pleasure for quite a few months. We can still afford groceries and our house. 

This summer Women of Caliber celebrated 3 years. For our anniversary party, we held it at one of the officer's home, had yummy food, and a bouncy house and water slide. 

Animal pictures for the week:


  1. The flapper costume did me in. So much cooler and hilarious than your Elvis nonsense


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