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My Weight Loss Journey

Since my last posts have been boring, I decided to live it up and talk about my weight loss journey. Before I met Chris I thought I was hott stuff! But I was also doing un healthy things like drinking and smoking to curb my appetite. 

This was the day of mine and Chris' first date.

I was a hottie right? But I was also trashy. Then, this happened:

Once I quit my bad habits I actually started eating, and eating, and eating. I gained A LOT of weight in our first years of marriage. I stepped on the scale one day and decided that was not a good number I should be seeing for my body frame and height, I am pretty small if I didn't carry this extra weight. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which makes weight loss near impossible. I started doing Zumba, drinking TONS of water, eating fuits and veggies, and after years of hard work I made it so close to losing 40 pounds. I worked so hard and felt so accomplished. I feel a lot better than I ever have. My skin looks great, I feel healthier, and I am more active than I was when we were first married. I did lots of Zumba, dog walking, some running, and I take a circuit training class at the gym twice a week and lift weights. I am pretty proud of my arm muscles! I love to work out, but I still have an eating problem. I love sweets and treats, and I have no self control when it comes to treats, especially chocolate. 

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I am pretty proud of  myself in these pictures, with how far I have come. I am not the little hottie I was before I got married, and when I was a cheerleader in high school, but I am healthier. Last year I was diagnosed with ADD. Yes, I know what your thinking, What other health problems can this girl have? Just wait till I write a blog post about my frankin-toe! Anyway, most people "say" they have ADD but I was actually diagnosed with it by my counselor and physician. I was prescribed some medicine and I started to loose more weight. It curbed my appetite and I lost about 7 lbs. I didn't like how the medicine made me feel, so I stopped taking it. Then I was prescribe my anti-depressants I am on now, and I hate so say it, but I have gained 15 lbs from these suckers. I hate it. I have tried so hard to loose weight, I am doing everything I was doing before, and now a medicine is making me gain weight, and its not my fault. Its hard, do I want to be happy and not suicidal? Or do I want to be skinny and depressed? Its a hard choice. I hate my body. So since I am not pregnant and we have to wait till June to get in to see the specialist I decided to kick my workout routine into gear  and really push it, to loose those 15 lbs I gained and more, so I can be healthier when I am pregnant and not have so much to loose after I gave birth. This morning I went to the gym at 5:30am! It felt great, and I wasn't tired! I need to have my friends hold me accountable for the things I eat and my work outs. I also started this weight gain when I joined this gun club.... Women of Caliber made me fat! I have missed Zumba classes to go shooting. But I am not complaining. Guns made me happy. So here's to the next couple months of my busting my butt at the gym. Wish me luck!
This is what a 5:30am workout looks like!


  1. What an honest and powerful story. I am very glad to hear that you realized smoking and drinking was not a healthy way to keep your weight down. However, it must have been so hard when you started gaining weight. It is great, though, to see you lost 40 pounds in one year. I bet you can lose that 15 fast!


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