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We Ain't Broke No Mo'

I am going to start this post off by saying, CHRIS GOT A JOB!!!! Chris is now the Assistant Program Manager at the juvenile detention center. Chris got the call on Tuesday afternoon officially giving him the job, and he would start on Friday. This job has been in the works for months and we have waited so long. Chris has been working at the detention center for about 7 years now, just doing a couple hours a week of counseling. They approached Chris about starting a new program at their facility. So for the last few months Chris has been working hard putting together the program for them. They first had to get enough kids to run the program for Chris to have a job, then we had to wait for the county commissioner to approve the job, then we had to wait for the detention center's board to approve it, it was a long wait but we are so happy! I can't believe it has been 7 months that he has been laid off. Man, that was a long 7 months. We have always been good with our money, and we have always had enough for our needs and some of our wants. We were by no means rich but we lived a comfortable life, we never had money problems. When Chris was laid off I was so stressed about money. Money for the house payment and for groceries, and other things like Christmas. I have no idea how we did it financially, but we did! We had to squeeze the budget and it really wasn't all that bad. I had to cut back on my excessive shopping for no reason, and that was ok and I hope to continue that because I don't need any more damn stuff! I am so happy this is finally over! I cried all afternoon after we got the phone call. I was so relieved and I kept asking Chris if it was real, like is this really over? The next day I was so extremely tired. Its like I was so stressed these last 7 months that my body and mind finally relaxed and I was exhausted. I am excited to go back to a normal schedule and having a normal routine again.

Tuesday I had the privilege of watching my cutest nephews in the world! Man, I just want to squeeze them ALL THE TIME!

I did great again on my work outs and healthy eating this week. I worked out 5 times, and then I may have went over board on Friday night at Bunco letting myself have TWO sodas and then swinging by the McDonald's drive through at 10pm afterwards. No weight was lost this week and I'm blaming it on those stupid chicken nuggets. The guy at the drive though tricked me into buy two 6 piece chicken nuggets. I ordered small fry and nuggets and then he said for only 20 cents more I could make it a 2 for $3 deal and I said "Done!" But I was thinking I would get my nuggets and fries as my 2 for 3. NOOO, he meant two 6 piece chicken nuggets. WHO NEEDS 12 CHICKEN NUGGETS DUDE!? Amy helped me consume some, then I went home and realized what I did wrong and had to stop eating, becuase we all make stupid decisions late at night. Stupid chicken nuggets. Any way, one night I made papusas because I was lazy and they are good but I burned them, so sad. I really didn't care either because they weren't healthy and tasted fabulous! This week I'll start again at the gym and health foods and I have an appointment with my Nurse Practitioner to re-check my Thyroid and see if it is acting out again, which could be a major factor to my non-existing weight loss. 
Brown rice, sweet potatoes, and green beans for lunch

Roasted chicken and veggies 

My sister and I at pound, we both stepped in slush and soaked our shoes, 
good thing you can do pound barefoot! 

Amy and I of course took time at work to take selfies of our fabulous Lipsense

Friday afternoon I went to a USPSA match. It was cold but the sun was shining! I had lots of fun and I actually did pretty well! I think because I was frozen I had a tighter grip on my gun which must have helped because I didn't get last!

After the match I went home to get all fancied up for Bunco. The theme for bunco was a tea party. What a fun theme! I pulled out my pearls, dug out a headband and put on a floral dress.The food was all finger type foods and we had fancy tea cups. At the end we made a gangsta music video and it was fun. Amy and I decided to make our own Youtube Channel. Its called "The Amy And Alyssa show" check it out: The Amy And Alyssa Show I've added some of our old videos and we need to make some new ones! We made some videos in the car after bunco that are so embarrassing. You know when you and your friends are so drunk you act silly and dumb? It's like that, except we both haven't drank in 10 years and were completely sober. I am so glad Amy and I are not drinkers. We would be terrible friends.

Saturday morning I hit up the gym then Chris and I went to a cute little restaurant on the rail road tracks. After Lunch we went to my parents house to celebrate my dad's birthday.

 Kids helping grandpa open his gifts 

My dad was watching football on his phone during his party.... Old man. 

We will end the week with cute puppies:


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