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Food. Lots of Food Pictured

Wow, I really have been slacking on my blogging lately! School has taken over my life completely, this semester has been the hardest I think so far. While we are on the subject of my education lets talk about how I am going to graduate in ONE YEAR! I only have 10 classes left to graduate. Since I left ISU I have only been taking two classes a semester, which has been taking for ever. Since we pay cash for my tuition, it hasn't been too bad. I talked to my boss about hiring someone new, so starting in January I can start taking more classes and graduate faster. Starting in January I will only be working two days a week, so I can focus on school. I have also quit the Women of Caliber Competition Team, so I can fully focus on school. This is all so big and I am kind nervous. This all really depends on if Chris has a job by then. If he doesn't have a job, then I will have to continue to work. Now with shooting, I will still shoot when I can, I just don't want that commitment of being on the team, because what if there are weeks I just can't shoot? I won't give up on shooting, I will have to just lay low for a little bit. I still can't believe that graduation is on the horizon. I NEVER pictured this happening. ever. I was the dumb high school stoner who thought she didn't need college and new everything she needed to know. Street degree my friends, and I majored in Marijuana. And sometimes I still can't believe I went from studying Criminal Law to Family History.

Last week we went to the temple to support a friend going through for the first time. It was so nice to be there among friends, it was so peaceful, quite, and a break from the outside world. Afterwards we went to our favorite burger place in Rexburg, The Burg. Later on we treated ourselves to ice cream, because I had a coupon for my birthday and you just can't wast a perfectly good coupon.

That evening I burned all those calories at Krav Maga. This week the instructor (Sam) really kicked our butts, but I love it! It makes me feel tough and brave and makes me think I can acutally do something, because we all know that I am not. I left with a cuts on my elbow when we were hitting the punching bags with our elbows, I was hitting the bag pretty hard ( I was thinking calories.) The next day I had the hardest time walking. Thank a lot Sam. 
Since Mama Jo was in town we went to her parents house for our favorite meal together, Carnitas! Rachel did a fantastic job! They tasted authentic, like the real deal. Fun times with the Johanson's and the Hardy's. Rachel's dad, we will call him Papa Hardy, brought out his gun collection to share with us, and damn he has some mighty fine guns! I asked if he could adopt me so I could be in his will an inherit some guns. Chris has never had Ovaltine before, weird, right? So papa Hardy brought out a can for us to try, and Chris loved it. We also had super strong ginger ale in shot glasses. When we said our goodbyes and wished Mama Jo a safe trip back to Rhode Island, I noticed a Ovaltine can in my purse... I went back in the house to accuse the person of trying to frame me, but Bob-o Hardy said we could have it. Chris has been on the Ovaltine for a week now. 

The dreaded Election Day was this week! I have been the Chief Judge for my precinct for 7 years now, and this was my second Presidential Election. I was not looking forward to this one. Not one bit. Mostly because I knew it was going to be really busy, both the candidates were bozo's and I had homework to do. The day actually wasn't that bad. It was really busy, but it was bearable. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning like a loon, and had to be at the Polls by 6am. We ended up being at the polls till about 10. I don't want to talk politics, but you would think the world is ending with the way people are acting about Trump winning. What I don't get is the "College students" whining and crying and getting out of class because they are "so distraught" over Hillary losing. Guess what kids? My candidate didn't win either! I still managed to be an adult, put my big girl panties on, and deal with it. All while getting all my homework assignments done. 

I had lunch with my dearest friend Rebecca who I haven't seen in a couple months. I drove to the tiny metropolis of Rigby, Idaho and we went to a cute little BBQ joint. We ended up staying there for close to 2 hours just chatting, and catching up. I missed her, and it was so good to talk with her again, and we vowed to do lunch more frequently. 

Friday night was Bunco Night! My favorite! This months theme was Thanksgiving so we dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians. I love dress up Buncos! Ginger, Amy, and I bought over-sized t shirts and we fringed it up for our costumes, and I made us some feathers for our hair. Nelly, the host, did a fantastic job at our Thanksgiving dinner! She made a turkey with all the fixings, I was really impressed. After Bunco was over several intense rounds of Spoons was played, and there was blood drawn. You gotta to what you gotta do to get that spoon. We then played Poker, and 21. All in all, it was a fantastic evening of inappropriateness. Thank you ladies for letting me be myself with my dirty mind and not getting offended. 

Yesterday was a perfect Saturday of sleeping in, going to the gym, and out to lunch with my cutie to his BBQ restaurant. Damn he's so fine. In the evening I had a dinner meeting to attend to, and since I have been slacking in the gun department, here is my concealed carry outfit for the week. 

And here are you misc. pictures for the week. Complete with Jasper dressed in a pig costume, where he was pretty pissed at us for putting him in. These pictures are for Mama Jo, because she hates it when owners dress up their pets. Hates it. I can already imagine what she is going to say ;) 


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