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Treat Yo Self!

I love to pamper myself, on a budget of course. But what girl doesn't? I promise I am in no way high maintenance, hence the fact all my clothes come from Wal Mart, I'm obsessed with guns and I love the outdoors. But there is a side of me who loooooves to get her nails did and spend too much money on all the pretty makeup. My friends own a beauty school here in my town and I get all my beauty services done there, 1, its a really good price and 2, the students need to learn and I am not picky! Plus some of my friends work there and its fun to see them! I also think it might be a problem when the receptionist knows its you on the phone... Since school is destroying my life I haven't been to the salon in forever!! Also, my bestie JP moved away and we would go get our nails done every two weeks. Last week I decided I NEEDED a microderm. Basically, a microderm is someone with a sandpaper machine going over your face with it to get rid of dead skin cells which can result in glowing younger looking skin! It helps with discoloration and scaring. This microderm was one of the most relaxing things I have done in my life, I am not even kidding you. After the torturous sandpaper machine the gal massaged my head and I swear I could have fallen asleep, it was so amazing and so peaceful and I hate to be touched! Like seriously, don't touch me. I will touch you and hug you and love on you but don't think about touching me. I could have laid there forever, I was so sad when it was over and I had to go back home and do home work. Enjoy this lovely picture of me without a single drop of makeup on for my appointment. I even went to Walmart like this! I've got some balls to do that.

I even thought it was acceptable to go out in public dressed like this. Homeless or causal? 

The day after my microderm my face looked heavenly! I felt almost 20 again.

To add to my pampering my brows were getting kinda crazy so it was time to go through a painful electrolysis session. That crap hurts, but beauty is pain. and I keep coming back. 

My grandpa was still in the hospital last week but he is getting better. My sister and I went to visit him and I took the most precious picture of my nephew and my grandpa holding hands. It is seriously a picture that could make you cry it is so sweet. I posted it on Facebook and then had a family member tell me it was "annoying and distasteful" and to take it down. I was so pissed and so hurt that someone, especially a family member would ever tell me a picture of my nephew and my grandpa was annoying. But here it is on my blog because well, It is my blog. 

Friday night we went on a date to a new place called Black Bear Diner. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it! It was so good! It had a cute fun atmosphere and we really enjoyed it!

This week something pretty neat happened. My mom found a sister of hers on Facebook. Her sister lives around here too, and they met for the first time this week. The crazy thing is, they are very similar. They look so much a like and have similar interests. I am very happy for my mom because she seems very happy to have a sister! We set up a lunch on Saturday for all of us to meet. I grew up with only 3 cousins, and we were all relativity close. Now that we moved to Idaho we rarely see each other. My sisters and I now have 3 more cousins! We only got to meet our girl cousin on Saturday and it was nice to meet her. We had a good time and I am so happy to have more family! Trying to get a selfie with 14 people is hard!

Saturday evening there was a church activity where we ate BBQ and Chris taught the guys how to make competition style BBQ ribs. He did a good job and everyone was really interested in it. Chris did such a good job and looked so cute doing it. HE really loves BBQ,  hence why we keep going back to Memphis. Speaking of which... I think Graceland is missing me. 

I hope you all enjoyed your week! Thanks for reading, enjoy some randoms: Scroll past these pictures to see how I feel about my asshole friend Rachel

PS: I want you all to know how much of an ass hole my friend Rachel is. Her house finally sold (after a year) and her whole asshole family is moving to RI now. That means that asshole will never  come back here and I will never play pranks in the bear suit with that asshole ever again. Plus side, that ass hole lives in the exact place I grew up so we will still see each other.


  1. Man you swear a lot. Its offensive

    1. Coming from the lady who sends me snapchats flipping me off....

  2. Maybe that finger doesn't mean what you think it means?...


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