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A Real Post

Holy cow it's been a long time. Like I said in my last post this semester is really hard and I have had little time to do much of anything like cook dinner or clean the house... my poor house, you don't want to see the state of my house right now. For BYU-Idaho it is the Spring semester right now and it ends next week. I think the spring semester is always the hardest because it goes into the middle of July and I just want to be outside, not stuck inside doing homework. I'll have a week off them I'll jump right back into the summer semester to take a 7 week Math 108 course. I hate math so much. But I figured I'd rather suffer through it for 7 weeks instead of the normal 14 weeks. Wish me luck.

Last month we decided to try ONE more IUI, we'd rather take our chances one last time by paying $1,000 instead of $10,000, maybe we'd be lucky this time. This time we did it differently then we have before. You know how many times I had to go in for a Vaginal ultrasound? Too damn many, and  I hated every single one of them. I had to take a shot which triggered my ovulation and I had to take some suppositories that were equally as terrible. We went in for the IUI and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. My uterus is not where it is supposed to be so the PA had a very difficult time trying to get the syringe to go where it needed to go and since my uterus is not where normal uterus's are supposed to be, it hurt like hell and I cried my eyes out the whole time it was so painful. The PA had to get the receptionist to come in with the ultrasound machine to guide her and push on my stomach to push my uterus to where she needed it. 2 weeks later and guess what? Not pregnant. I'm kinda not surprised because that is what my life has become, a monthly disappointment. Now we have have have have to do IVF, which is $10,000 and we don't have $10,000 and who knows when we ever will.  The whole thing sucks and I hate it and I'm so tired of being disappointed.
Violation number 1
Violation number 2
time for the shot! 

That's how I felt after the IUI 

Besides not being pregnant, this summer I have spent time at the pool with my sister and nephews, I've been shooting and last weekend Chris and I went to Utah to go to a concert.My aunt and uncle from Rhode Island came to visit us for a little bit and it was fun to have them here. It's been a good summer but I am ready for this semester to be over so I can focus more on the pool and shooting, the important things in life.

My first carbine match 

At the concert in Utah 

Escape house with my family 

Before my aunt and uncle left

I also forgot to mention that the Johanson family sadly finally moved and I was so sad about it. I am happy though that they are all together. The oldest Johanson graduated high school and Chris and I were invited to her graduation party, the night before they all moved to Rhode Island. I found it only appropriate to get Kayley a bathing suit, itch cream, and ketchup for a grad gift. When Mama Jo and I were Young Women's leaders with her girls we taught the girls to never let boys touch you where your bathing suit lays so I found it proper now that Kayley is going to college to get her a bathing suit. The itch cream and ketchup are other inappropriate jokes. I'm sad they are gone but I am so happy they are in my home state and I hope they love it as much as I do!


  1. I still hope you come to your senses. The Ocean State misses you


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