Last week was Bunco! My favorite night of the week. Bunco was at Amy's house all the way in a far far away town. It was also St. Patrick's Day. After we played Bunco we all decided to go down town to hit up some St. Patrick's Day festivities. As I was driving down the highway back from Amy's house I heard something funny. I thought it was just the wind blowing through a crack in my back window so I didn't think anything of it until 7 miles down the country highway I noticed there was smoke coming from the back of my car. I pulled over and low and behold I had a flat tire that I had been driving on since Amy's house. I called Amy who was ahead of me to turn around and come back, I then called Chris to come and save me. It was so dark and I was in the middle of nowhere. As Amy and I sat in the car waiting for Chris to come save me we of course did what we do best and made a music videos like to goobers we are. You can watch it at our YouTube channel The Amy and Al...