I love to pamper myself, on a budget of course. But what girl doesn't? I promise I am in no way high maintenance, hence the fact all my clothes come from Wal Mart, I'm obsessed with guns and I love the outdoors. But there is a side of me who loooooves to get her nails did and spend too much money on all the pretty makeup. My friends own a beauty school here in my town and I get all my beauty services done there, 1, its a really good price and 2, the students need to learn and I am not picky! Plus some of my friends work there and its fun to see them! I also think it might be a problem when the receptionist knows its you on the phone... Since school is destroying my life I haven't been to the salon in forever!! Also, my bestie JP moved away and we would go get our nails done every two weeks. Last week I decided I NEEDED a microderm. Basically, a microderm is someone with a sandpaper machine going over your face with it to get rid of dead skin cells which can result in glowin...