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Toothless Puppies

On Thursday the pups went in for a dental and their yearly shots. $500 later, between the two of them they had 7 teeth pulled. The poor babies were miserable. We had to buy them wet dog food, they mopped around the house and laid around all day. A few days of pain killers and they are back to themselves. We now call Roxy  Toothless McGee, since she lost all her front bottom teeth.
$500 teeth. Do you think the tooth fairy will reimburse us?

Sick babies just wanted to cuddle.

Friday morning I had a lunch date with one of my new Women of Caliber friends to explain somethings about the club. There ended up being another gal from our club there on her lunch break so we all ate together, and in true Women of Caliber style, took a selfie. 

Friday after work we had adult things to do. Like, not make dinner, have pizza and go grocery shopping. I usually never make boxed or frozen dinners (ok, except those delicious sweet potato fries pictured) I mostly cook everything from scratch and I love it. It is so fun to cook a nice home cooked meal from scratch, it makes me feel accomplished, like maybe I'm doing something right in life.  I sure have come a long way from the 19 year old wife I used to be. That being said, my home cooked made from scratch meals are expensive! Do you ever wonder WHY produce is so expensive? That usually is where most of our grocery bill comes from is produce. Maybe I should start making Chris ramen noodles for dinner, it might save us a buck or 50.

He is adorable, isn't he?

Saturday Chris got called out to work for an emergency, so I was left alone all day on Saturday. I got a big homework project done, and cleaned the house. I love a good clean living room. There is just something about a nice clean floor free of dog hair that makes me happy. Roxy loves when I clean. It is play time for her. She loves to attack the vacuum. 

Do you see Princess Roxy photobombing on the couch?

During Sunday dinner, I heard some tapping. I got up, went to the living room and kept hearing it. I thought the cat might have gone outside and was trying to get back in. I looked out the window and see three little hooligans trying to hide! One of my old young women from my old ward before it split, just got her license this week and I guess the girls were board. If you know anything about me personally, I LOVE to play pranks. Its what I do. Girls camp is my time to shine where I plan my pranks for a whole year and watch the girls cry when they are successful. That's probably why I was released as young women's president. But really, I'm not that mean. I only purchased a bear suit, no big deal. I love that these girls still think of me and play pranks on me. For my birthday they made me a cake and saran wrapped my car with cute notes written on sticky notes all over my car. They make me so happy. I loved serving those girls.They fill in the hole in my heart where there should be a baby,

Speaking of being a good cook, I burned my grilled cheese. See, what my problem is, when I'm hungry I want my food now and don't want to wait. Chris says my Indian name is, "Cooks with too much fire" For Saturday night's dinner I made grilled chicken and I tried to trick Chris by making him think I made mashed potatoes, when really I made mashed cauliflower. He didn't fall for it. But it was pretty tasty. On Sunday's Chris usually cooks for me, and if I do enough begging he even does the dishes. He made baked chicken, with carrots, parsnips, and rutabaga. Good man, I will keep him. I also had a beautiful bowl of fruit that was too pretty not to capture. 


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